Exciting twists and turns await as Mickey Mouse and his Disney friends embark on a wild ride with unexpected hijinks and magic at every turn when Disney On Ice presents Road Trip Adventures skates into your hometown! Embark on a wild ride to favourite Disney destinations while visiting the world from the rooftops of London, travelling to the sun soaked Motunui, joining a safari to the Pride Lands, and playing at a larger-than-life carnival with Woody and Forky.
Performance times:
Thursday, 26 December - 2:30pm & 6:30pm
Friday, 27 December - 2:30pm
Saturday, 28 December - 10:30am & 2:30pm
Sunday, 29 December - 10:30am & 2:30pm
Monday, 30 December - 10:30am & 2:30pm
Tuesday, 31 December - 10:30am & 2:30pm
Thursday, 2 January - 10:30am & 2:30pm
Friday, 3 January - 10:30am & 2:30pm
Saturday, 4 January - 10:30am & 2:30pm
Sunday, 5 January - 10:30am & 2:30pm
Premier Events specialise in Premium Seats for all London Theatre Productions. Get in touch or call 020 7283 4040 to book.